Thursday, April 7, 2011

Cat of Bubastes #10

Chapter 9, Part C

Chebron and Mysa bore the news pretty easily because they had barely ever seen Neco.  They were more awed and stunned by the suddenness of his death than grieved at his dying.  Ameres went to Neco's house to find out some 'clews' but he found none.  Apparently, someone had been waiting right outside the door for Neco.  He would have been probably reporting on someone who wanted to get him back for their punishment so he was murdered.  The temple said the same thing as Neco's house did, so Ameres went home.

Four magistrates came to their house and picked up all the clues.  Then they questioned anyone who might have a grudge against Neco.  Everyone just said that they were asleep and the four magistrates did not find out anything at all.

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