Friday, March 4, 2011

George Washington's World: England Vs. Spain in the New World

England was envious of Spain because of all their riches, but Spain hated England because of its power. And as you know, envy and hate breed war, so war broke out. England was very strong and it sent a couple generals and things to fight the war. Admiral Vernon took Porto Bello . Another admiral was sent - his name, by the was Admiral George Anson - to attack the trading Spanish settlements and attack the Spanish galleons that were sent back and forth Phillippine Islands to Spain again.

But he had gone out in ships that were unworthy to be on the sea and before long most of them were shipwrecked and most of his men had died from smallpox or drowning and things like that.

Almost by himself, he headed for someplace on the coast but found the Spanish galleon for Spain. So he attacked the ship and recovered the treasure. But England had no idea the treasure they were about to get hold of.

The biggest treasure was not the gold on the ship, but the packet of papers in the captain's cabin. That packet had all the secrets of the Pacific Oceans, including all the secret routes among the Pacific Islands. These secrets now belonged to England. And so England was pretty much set.

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