Friday, March 4, 2011

George Washington's World - King Osei Tutu and the Assante

This book is a book of different periods of George Washington's life and who was alive, and doing what, during those periods of time. Right now, we are in the period of when George Washington was a boy.

King Osei Tutu:
Far away, FAR FAR away from Ben Franklin's efforts to unite out country, there was an Assante king who was struggling to keep his nation together. It wasn't united together very well. The king, who was struggling to keep his nation together, went out to a big gathering of his people and told them about their gods and how when their gods united, they were stronger, instead of when they broke apart, they were weaker. After that, a Golden Stool dropped out of the sky and, as the king said, a sign from the gods and that it held the spirit of every person in their nation. After this, it was a tradition to appoint a new king as the guardian of the Golden Stool. Once or twice, occasionally, a king would rest his arm on it, but no one EVER - not king or priest - EVER sat on it. They believed it was too sacred for that.

Later, when attacks were made on their nation, and it was reigned over for a while by a different nation, the Golden Stool was hidden and did not appear for many, many more years.

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