Friday, March 4, 2011

George Washington's World - Spain and the Pueblos of New Mexico

Spain and the Pueblos were friends at first, but after that war broke out because the Pueblos were accepting Christianity at first but still went on with their traditional dances and things. Spain wasn't happy with that and had a few chiefs of tribes brought in and harassed and humiliated. Some were under punishments, one or two were killed and some were humiliated terribly. The ones that were humiliated planned a revolt and killed many Spanish settlers. After that, the Pueblos held a lot of council meetings, but council meeting did not do a good job of uniting the Pueblos.

Then horses fell into their hands - this made some tribes very happy because they were hunting tribes, not farming tribes. After that, they could go after buffalo farther, the whole tribe would be able to come and they would be able to spend nights, and they could go on much further distances than they could on foot.

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